マーリン賞 歴代受賞者
Merlin Award by the International Magicians Society List
Update: 2020/10/1
年度 |
受賞者 |
国 |
デビッド・カッパーフィールド David Copperfield | U.S.A. | |
シークフリード&ロイ Siegfried & Roy | ドイツ | |
ダグ・ヘニング Doug Henning | カナダ | |
ハリー・ブラックストン Harry Blackstone | U.S.A. | |
島田晴夫 Shimada Haruo | 日本 | |
タバリー Tabary | フランス | |
ルイス・デ・マトス Luis de Matos | ポルトガル | |
ホアキン・アジャラ Joaquin Ayala (Most Original) | メキシコ | |
ポール・ダニエルズ Paul Daniels | イギリス | |
ノーム・ニールセン Norm Nielsen | イギリス | |
日本 | ||
1996 | トニー・クラーク Tony Clark (Best Magician of the Year) | |
1998 | シルバン Silvan | イタリア |
ハマーズ The Hammers (Best Manipulations) | ||
メリンダ Melinda (International Magician of the Year) | ||
ファン・マヨーラル Juan Mayoral (Most innovative Magic) | スペイン | |
ジョー・ラベロ Joe Labero (Illusionists of The Year) | スウェーデン | |
ソルカ Jr P.C. Sorcar Jr, | インド | |
ジュリアナ・チェン Juliana Chen | 中国(カナダ) | |
デビッド&ダニア David & Dania | ロシア | |
1999 | アンドレ・コール Andre Kole (Magic Inventor of the decade) | U.S.A. |
チャニング・ポロック Channing Pollock (Outstanding Contribution to Magic) | U.S.A. | |
グレート・トムソニー&カンパニー Great Tomsoni & Company (the Comedy Magician of the Year) |
U.S.A. | |
ギャリー・ウォレット Gary Ouellet (Lifetime Achievement and for Television Producer of the Decade) |
カナダ | |
スタン・アレン Stan Allen (Outstanding Literary Contribution) | U.S.A. | |
レネ・ラバン Rene Lavand | アルゼンチン | |
ジェイ・マーシャル Jay Marshall (Lifetime Achievement Award) | U.S.A. | |
ケネス・フェルド Kenneth Feld (Producer of the Decade) | U.S.A. | |
バーニー・ユマン Bernie Yuman (Show Business Executive of the Decade) | U.S.A. | |
ジェフ・マクブライド Jeff McBride | U.S.A. | |
キルビー・バン・バーチ Kirby Van Burch (Magician of the Year) | U.S.A. | |
デブリン Devlin (the Most Outstanding Magician) | U.S.A. | |
ロコ Rocco | U.S.A. | |
フランツ・ハラーレー Franz Harary (The Most Original Magician) | U.S.A. | |
デビッド・メンドーサ David Mendoza | U.S.A. | |
ウィリアム・マクルハニー William H. Mcllhany (Magic Historian) | U.S.A. | |
チャールズ・レイノルズ Charles Reynolds | U.S.A. | |
ドン・ウェイン Don Weyne | U.S.A. | |
マーシャル・ブロディーン Marshall Brodien | U.S.A. | |
レナート・グリーン Lennart Green | スウェーデン | |
2000 | シークフレード&ロイ Siegfried & Roy (Magicians of the Century) | |
ビル・マローン Bill Malone (Close-Up Magician of the Year) | U.S.A. | |
エリック・バス Eric Buss (Cabaret Magician of the Year) | ||
エド・アロンゾ Ed Alonzo | U.S.A. | |
ロコ Rocco (Magician of the Year) | U.S.A. | |
ジェイド Jade (Female Magician of the Year) | ||
2001 | クリス・エンジェル Criss Angel (Magician of the Year) | U.S.A. |
アヤラ&タニア Ayala & Tanya (Entertainer of the Year) | ||
ボブ・チュア Bob Chua (Close Up Magician of the Year) | ||
2002 | ピーター・マービー Peter Marvey (Magician of the Year) | スイス |
ダレン・ロメオ Darren Romeo (Entertainer of the Year) | U.S.A. | |
トニー・ラファン Tony Laffan (Illusionists of The Year) | U.S.A. | |
フェルコ・ブラザーズ The Ferco Brothers (Most Original Magicians of the Year) |
2003 | Brett Daniels for Magician of The Year | |
Juliana Chen for Most Original | ||
Lennart Green for Best Close-Up Magic | ||
Penn & Teller for Best Comedy Magic | ||
Peter Reveen for Lifetime Achievement | ||
Rocco for Best Cabaret Magic | ||
Joanie Spina for Best Choreographer & Director | ||
Ken Klosterman Magic Historian and Preservationist | ||
Gary Darwin for Outstanding Contribution to Magic | ||
John Hirokawa for "Most Original" | ||
Devlin | ||
2004 | クリス・エンジェル Criss Angel (Magician of the Year) | U.S.A. |
フランツ・ハラーレー Franz Harary (Illusionist of the Year) | U.S.A. | |
Arian Black for Female Magician of the Year | ||
ジョン・ヒロカワ John Hirokawa (Most Original) | U.S.A. | |
ジャン・ローベン Jan Rouven | デンマーク | |
2005 | ケビン・ジェームス Kevin James (Most Original) | U.S.A. |
コザック Kozak (Entertainer of The Year) | U.S.A. | |
マジェスティック The Majestix (Illusionists of The Year) | U.S.A. | |
ジョセフ・ガブリエル Joseph Gabriel (Best Manipulations) | U.S.A. | |
Michael Giles & Stacey Jones (Illusionists of the Year) | ||
2006 | Chipper Lowell (Comedy Magician) | |
Christian Farla (Magician of the Year) | ||
Greg Gleason for (Illusionist of The Year) | ||
Murray Sawchuck (Most Original) | ||
The Hamners (Entertainers of the Year) | ||
2007 | Criss Angel for Magician of the Year | |
Kozak for International Comic/Magician of the Year | ||
Cast for the Branson show | ||
Bambi Van Burch for Female Magician of the Year | ||
Kirby Van Burch for Entertainer of the Year | ||
Jim Barber for Ventriloquist of the Year | ||
2008 | Criss Angel for Magician of the Year | |
Gerry McCambridge for Mentalist of the Year | ||
Arian Black for Female Magician of the Year | ||
Scarlett for Female Magician of the Year | ||
Steve Dacri for Close Up Magician of the Year | ||
John Taylor for Illusionist of the Year | ||
SOS & Victoria for Fastest Quick Change Act in the World | ||
Stoil & Ekaterina for Magical Transformations Dixie Dooley for 30 Years of Exceptional Magic Best Magic Show McBride’s Wonderground Antonio Casanova for Best Magician in the World Jorgos for Best Stage Magician Jason Byrne for Best Cabaret Magician Nathan Burton for Best Comedy Magician Brett Daniels for Entertainer of the Year Rob Lake for International Magician of the Year Perry Maynard for Best Magic Shop Nicholas Liotatis for Best Young Magician |
2009 | Criss Angel for Magician of the Decade Bambi Van Burch for Female Magician of the Decade Joe Labero for Illusionist of the Decade The Spencers for Magicians of the Year Antonio Casanova for Best Magician Arian Black for Female Magician of the Year Keith Barry for Mentalist of the Year Lee Alex for Illusionist of the Year J C Sum for Most Original Illusionist Magic Babe Ning for Most Original Female Illusionist Lyn Dillies for Best Female Illusionist Christian Farla for Best International Magic Show Peter Valance for Best Magic Show Antonio Restivo for Best Fire & Magic Show Florian Zimmer for Best Contemporary Magician Tora for Best Designer & First Producer of Magical Items Kubilay ‘QB’ Tuncer for Best Stage and Cabaret Magician Selim Basarir for Best Magical Mentor of the Year Simon Lovell for Longest Running One Man Off Broadway Show Steve Dacri for Close Up Magician of the Year Boris Wild for Most Original Close Up Jeff Hobson for Best Comedy Magician Brett Daniels for Entertainer of the Year Throwdini for Excellence in the Impalement Arts Pat Fallon for Family Magic Show of the Year The Great Cahyo ‘Tito Cris’ Castro SOS & Victoria Fastest for Quick Change Act in the World Sos Petrosyan Jr for Youngest Professional Magician in the World The Ferco Brothers for Best Illusionists with Exotic Animals Criss Angel Magic Set for Best Magic Kit The Great Cahyo Cris Castro |
2010 | Criss Angel for Magician of the Century Luis DeMatos for Illusionist of the Decade John Taylor for Illusionist of the Year John Taylor for Show of the Year Eugene Burger for Close Up Magician of the Year Tse Tow Joon Yeen for Close Up Magician of the Year McBride’s Wonderground for Most Innovative Show Dave Koenig for Best Radio Magic Marco Tempest for Contemporary Magician of the Year Tony Clark & Paul Reder for Producers of the Year Brad Ross for Best International Family Entertainer Bone Ho for Best Manipulations June Xavier Giro for Most Original Act Jimmy Kikuchi for Best Cabaret Magic Timothy Trust & Julia for Best Stage Magicians Dirk Losander for Best Classic Magician Lu Chen for Most Original Magician Fairy Star (Benjamas Sapsuk) for Best Cultural Magic Princess Rizuki for Best Female Magician Mamada Jorinn Chee Ka Yee Ernesto Planas Jia Feng Jeff Lee Vincent Tan Richard Yuh |
深井洋正 Fukai | 日本 | |
2011 | International Magicians Society 2011Yearbook | |
2012 | International Magicians Society 2012Yearbook | |
2013 | International Magicians Society 2013Yearbook | |
2014 | International Magicians Society 2014Yearbook | |
2015 | International Magicians Society 2015Yearbook | |
2016 | International Magicians Society 2016Yearbook | |
2017 | International Magicians Society 2017Yearbook | |
2018 | MAGUS(メイガス) (Most Creative Magician 2018) | 日本 |
2020 | HARA (Most creative illusionist 2020) | 日本 |
マーリン賞の審査基準は、才能(talent), ショーマンシップ(showmanship), 独創性(originality), 技量(skills), そして、どんな状況でも人を楽しませることのできる上記すべての最高の能力 (above all the rare ability to entertain under any conditions)。
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