


Update: 2001/6/13


以下の内容は、マーク・デ・スーザ (Marc DeSouza) 師が小谷純司氏を通して、日本のマジシャンに宛てたメッセージです。SAM (Society of American Magicians) の倫理規程についてですが、師とSAMが種明かしに反対する理由が明快に説明されています。本人から翻訳・公開の許可をいただきましたので、ご紹介します。










2001年6月9日 マーク・デ・スーザ

Concerning the SAM Code of Ethics, one of the primary ones concerns the issue of exposure. Specifically, public exposure of magic secrets is notpermitted.
Ours is an Art concerning secrets. Magic can be enjoyed by some, specificallymagicians, when they know the secrets. We look at magic in a very different way. We look at the level of skill and competance, the presentationalabilities, etc. We look at magic from a detail standpoint. But, it is at acost...the loss of that sense of wonder. Magic should be just that...MAGIC. Without maintaining the secret, you don't have that anymore. Who has theright to take magic away from people.

There are instances where exposure can be condoned. A book of simple tricks for the public, internet sites exposing simple tricks well within the public domain, or similar forms of teaching simple effects. I think one of the keys is making them work for the secret. They have to undertake some sort of effort to get these secrets. Whether that entails buying a book or going to a library, there is an effort involved. Simply turning on a TV isn't enough. Anyone exposing secrets, in the manner of Valentino, is likely to be expelled from the Society. I hope this states the position of both myself and the SAM.

June 09, 2001 Marc DeSouza

翻訳協力:小谷 純司氏

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Copyright © 1998-2001 Yasuo Nakamura and Junji Kotani. All rights reserved.
Update: 2001/6/13